Dear Encore Your Dance Family,We hope this message finds you well and excited for our upcoming showcase event on Sunday, March 24th! Here are some key details to ensure you have all the information you need:
**Where is Showcase?**
Showcase is held at Caloundra State Primary School.
**What is Showcase?**
Showcase is an informal and fun event for Encore students to showcase what they've been working on in their classes. It's a wonderful opportunity to celebrate their progress and talent.
**What Do Students Wear?**
Students should wear their Encore class uniform. If you need any additional items, we have plenty of stock available in our store.
**Does It Cost?**
There is an adult ticket price of $10, which can be purchased at the door. However, all children and students get free admission. Every $10 entry ticket also enters you into a draw to win term 2 fees free!
**Which Showcase Do I Attend?**
We have separate showcases for each studio location:
- Caloundra Studio Showcase: 1:00 pm - 1:45 pm
- Aura Studio Showcase: 2:15 pm - 3:00 pm
- Kawana Studio Showcase: 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Encore school students will perform in all three showcases!
**Do All Classes Do Showcase?**
Circus classes will not be performing at this showcase, but fear not! We have a mid-year showcase specifically for circus classes in their respective studios. Additionally, comp teams keep their routines a special surprise for competition day. All other classes have been diligently preparing routines and tricks to showcase their talents on the big day!
**What Can I Expect on the Day?**
Get ready for an exciting day filled with festivities! We have a lucky door prize for each showcase, offering a chance to win your entire term 2 dance fees free! Fun games with opportunities to win Encore merchandise, a chance to meet and greet teachers, other Encore families, and, of course, a quick show (less than 1 hour) celebrating the incredible kids who dance at your studio. Plus, we'll have popcorn, fairy floss, and drinks to keep the kids entertained. It's set to be an awesome celebration – don't miss it!
We look forward to seeing you all there for a day of dance, fun, and celebration.
Happy Dancing,
Miss Kate