Concert date Saturday December 3rd!
The concert is a very busy and exciting time for students and teachers. Please carefully read the following information about the show to help things run smoothly.
Term Fees & Costume Payments
As you now know costumes for the end of year show are paid off throughout the year along with your term fee invoice. These payments are spread out throughout the terms to help parents budget and so costumes can be designed, created, and delivered in a timely manner.
Invoice Structure
Term 1 Invoice + $20 enrolment fee
Term 2 Invoice + Costume Deposits $40 per costume (ex GST)
Term 3 Invoice + Costume Balance $30 per costume (ex GST)
Term 4 Invoice + Video $20 per family and Trophy Fee $7.50 per student (ex GST)
Each dance has a different costume designed to suit the routine. Costumes will only be handed out once accounts are settled. Please keep this in mind if you are on payment plans.
Concert Video & Trophy
Every family will receive the show digitally recorded by professionals and a trophy to take home for participating in the show!
The entire show is photographed professionally. You will receive further information on how to purchase your on-stage photos.
Program / Order of Appearance
A digital program will be emailed to you. Feel free to print this out or keep it handy on your phone and have with you on the day for reference. All students need to stay till the end of both shows to come up on stage for their final bow and collect their trophy.
Every student performs in the finale dance, this is learned in normal class time. The costume for this is FULL ENCORE UNIFORM, if you need any uniform items, please see reception as there is plenty of stock to purchase off the rack. If we need to order anything in for you, keep in mind it can take up to 6 weeks for new uniform to arrive.
Term 4
Classes will run as normal each week all the way up to the concert day. Normal timetable, normal dance clothes. To be extra clear, after the “Rehearsal Day” (see below) there is still one more week of normal classes before the concert day.
Compulsory Rehearsal Day - Sunday 27th November
We are holding one big, closed rehearsal at the Flinders Performance Centre in Buderim. No audience, no parents, no dressing mothers. Just the students, teachers, and staff for a full-Dress Rehearsal / Technical Rehearsal / Complete Concert run through.
Students need to be dropped off in their first costume with everything they need for the show. Please pack some food and water bottles only. Every student must attend. This is very important. It is our only chance to practise what will happen on the day. You must pretend it is the actual concert day. Full make up, hair and costumes are required.
Students will arrive sharp at the allocated times. The curtain waits for no one. Parents, please sign in your child at the door and pick up from the same door.
Pre Juniors & Juniors – Arrive 8am, Pick up 11am
Intermediates & Seniors – Arrive 10am, Pick up 2pm
Note: Under 12, 15 and Senior Comp Team to arrive at 8am and pick up at 2pm due to order of appearance.
SPECIAL NOTE for Younger Students:
The show is performed twice! Everyone performs in both shows, Matinee Show & Evening Show.
We run the show twice for very good reason. If we only did one show the audience would sell out and parents would miss watching their child perform entirely. If you child does not perform in one of the shows than the entire choreography of the dance is messed up. Young students get confused on where to stand and move around the stage when people around them are missing. It takes months for them to rehearse their positions on the stage and for it to be ruined on the concert day is very disappointing and upsetting for the children. If you have a younger child (pre junior age) and you are planning on your family watching them for the matinee show only and not bringing them back for the next show, you are really letting the rest of the class down. I cannot stress this enough. We understand younger children get tired; therefore, we have programmed all the younger students to perform in the first half of the show for this reason. Each half of the show runs for approximately 1 hour and 15min. You must arrive in your first costume fully ready 1 hour before each show so staff can get the students settled and organised. Once the show starts it goes quickly and the students are busy and entertained the whole time in the dressing room.
Here is a run-down on the days’ timeline for the younger students only. Everyone else is expected to be able to stay for the entire duration of both shows, finales and trophy presentations.
Matinee Show
Students arrive ready at 9am December 3rd at Mathew Flinders.
Show Starts 10am (first half finished approx. 11.15am)
Interval 15mins (parents can either collect their child from the dressing room and purchase a ticket for them to watch the remainder of the show or students can wait in the dressing room for the finale’)
Second half of the show starts approx. 11.30am (finished approx. 12.45pm)
Trophy presentation 12.45pm to 1.00pm. All students receive their participation trophy.
1.00pm to 3.00pm BREAK. Parents collect their child from the dressing room and either take home for a break or get food in flinders café or somewhere nearby. By the time students get some food, re-organise their costumes, freshen up hair and makeup, it is time to meet back at the dressing room.
Evening Show
Students arrive ready at 3pm December 3rd at Mathew Flinders.
Show Starts 4pm (first half finished approx. 5.15pm)
Interval 15min (((((*****this is when younger children can go home if need be*****)))))
Second half starts at approx. 5.30pm (finished approx. 6.45pm)
Special awards 6.45pm to 7.00pm (If your child is receiving an extra award, we will let the parents know so they make sure to stay back).
NOTE: If you are a parent of a Pre Junior child and you are not watching the Evening show, you may collect your child straight after they have finished their dance, you do not need to wait until interval. Keep in mind each dance goes for approx. 3min, so it does go quickly. For example, if they are the second dance in the first half of the show, they will be finished approx. 6 min after the show starts. You could easily wait in the foyer and take them home once they have finished performing, instead of them missing out entirely by not doing the second show at all. I hope this makes sense. Please feel free to call us to discuss if anything is unclear.
Tickets Will go on sale on Monday 1st November 2021. You will receive another email with Ticket link later in the year.
Ticket sale progress will be announced on our social media accounts. Please make sure you are following @encore_pa on Facebook and Instagram to stay up to date.
Full Price = $35, Pensioners / Children Under 12 = $25
It is an open concert, so everyone is invited to come along and enjoy the show. The students have been working hard all year for this performance, so your encouragement and support with relatives and friends is greatly appreciated.
Students may buy tickets to watch once they have finished all their dances. They must be sent back to the dressing room two dances before the finale so they can be part of the finale as practiced.
Event Venue – Matthew Flinders Anglican Collage
LOCATION – Flinders Performance Centre
ADDRESS – 1-47 Stringybark Rd Buderim QLD 4556
CONTACT: Phone bookings on 5477 2964 please note that the Box Office is not always attended.
Online sales are preferred.
Hair = Part Hair in the centre, low bun at the nape of the neck, flat bun. Lots of hair spray (no wispy bits). If your costume has a small hair piece this is worn directly on top of the bun.
Make Up = Foundation, Bronze Blush, Brown Eye Shadow, Black Eye Liner, Black Mascara, Bright Red Lip Stick. Fake Eye Lashes for all Intermediate and Senior Students. (link to makeup tutorial below)
Boys = Make up is not compulsory, hair is to be styled and neat.
For a full video on hair and makeup please visit and subscribe to our YouTube channel Encore your Dance Family or click below.
*If you would prefer to have makeup done for you, you can book in with IvyLeague Beauty for $70 per child for full hair and makeup. Bookings are very limited. Contact Ivy on 0421101242 to book.
